Parameters range for Silicon on Sapphire (SOS) Epi Wafers |
Wafer diameter
| 76 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm |
Orientation | (1012) ± 1º (R-plane)
Substrate dopant | - |
Epi-layer thickness (µm) | 0.3 – 2.0 |
Epi-layer dopant | Phosphorous, Boron
Epi-layer resistivity ( | 2.5-30 |
n-type | according to spec. |
p-type | according to spec. |
Crystalline quality in the whole region of silicon film on sapphire substrate has been improved by doubly applying solid-phase epitaxial regrowth combined with amorphization of both the silicon surface and the silicon-sapphire interface regions of SOS. Grown thin SOS films by chemically vapor deposition method can be greatly improved by solid phase epitaxy (SPE) process: implantation of self\|silicon ions and subsequent thermal annealing. Subsequent regrowth of this amorphous layer leads to a great improvement in silicon layer crystallinity and channel carrier mobility, respectively by double crystal X\|ray diffraction and electrical measurements.